Archivo de etiquetas: unrwa


julio 30, 2014 10:12 pm Publicado por Deja tus comentarios

Actualización de 24 horas - 08.00, 31 de julio 2014 UNRWA mourns the death of its eighth staff member. Whilst displaced from his home, he worked in the emergency shelter team in the Jabalia school which was shelled in the morning of 30 July. He died of his injuries. It is reported that 15 people including 4 children died in the attack on the school which was supposed to provide a safe haven for about 3,300 individuals.


julio 29, 2014 10:12 pm Publicado por Deja tus comentarios

Actualización de 24 horas - 08.00, 30 de julio 2014 Nothing and nobody is safe in Gaza. To date, seven UNRWA staff members were killed. This morning, for at least the sixth time, one of UNRWA's emergency shelters has been struck. In accordance with international law, including the 1946 Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, United Nations operations, personnel and premises must remain inviolable. There are limitations to UNRWA's capacity to continue operations amid these conditions. Under International Humanitarian Law, Israel, as the Occupying Power of the Gaza Strip, bears the primary responsibility for ensuring the protection of the Palestinian civilian population and ensuring that their basic needs are met.


julio 28, 2014 10:12 pm Publicado por Deja tus comentarios

Actualización de 24 horas - 08.00, 29 de julio 2014 On 7 July UNRWA declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip in response to escalating violence between Israel and Hamas. Since then, civilian displacement and fatalities have risen sharply.


julio 28, 2014 5:12 pm Publicado por Deja tus comentarios

Actualización de 24 horas - Datos hasta las 08.00 h. de 28 de julio 2014 On 7 July UNRWA declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip in response to escalating violence between Israel and Hamas. 27 July marked the twentieth day since the emergency was declared. Since then, civilian displacement and fatalities have risen sharply. The total number of Palestinian deaths reported by the Protection Cluster currently stands at 1,067 and the number of wounded, as reported by the Ministry of Health has reached 6,233. The number of displaced people taking refuge in UNRWA shelters is now more than triple the peak number from the 2008/9 conflict and is approaching 10% of the entire population of Gaza, with approximately 170,461 in 82 schools. UNRWA has launched an emergency flash appeal for US$ 115 million to respond to the urgent and pressing humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza.


julio 27, 2014 5:12 pm Publicado por Deja tus comentarios

Actualización de 24 horas - Datos hasta las 08.00 h. de 27 de julio 2014 On 7 July UNRWA declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip in response to escalating violence between Israel and Hamas. Since then, civilian displacement and fatalities have risen sharply. The total number of Palestinian deaths reported by the Protection Cluster currently stands at 930 and the number of wounded, as reported by the Ministry of Health has reached 6,030. The number of displaced people taking refuge in UNRWA shelters is now more than triple the peak number from the 2008/9 conflict, and exceeds 167,269 in 83 schools. UNRWA has launched an emergency flash appeal for US$ 115 million to respond to the urgent and pressing humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza.


julio 26, 2014 5:12 pm Publicado por Deja tus comentarios

Actualización de 24 horas - Datos hasta las 08.00 h. de 26 de julio 2014 On 7 July UNRWA declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip in response to escalating violence between Israel and Hamas. Since then, civilian displacement and fatalities have risen sharply. According to the Protection Cluster, 68 Palestinians have been reported killed during this period, including 10 women and 13 children. The total number of Palestinian deaths reported by the Protection Cluster currently stands at 907 and the number of wounded, as reported by the Ministry of Health has reached 5,860. The number of displaced people is now more than triple the peak number from the 2008/9 conflict, and exceeds 162,862 in 83 schools. UNRWA has launched an emergency flash appeal for US$ 115 million to respond to the urgent and pressing humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza.


julio 25, 2014 5:12 pm Publicado por Deja tus comentarios

Actualización de 24 horas - Datos hasta las 08.00 h. de 25 de julio 2014 On 7 July UNRWA declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip in response to escalating violence between Israel and Hamas. Since then, civilian displacement and fatalities have risen sharply. According to the Protection Cluster, 83 Palestinians have been killed during this reporting period, including twelve women and nine children. The total number of Palestinian deaths reported by the Protection Cluster currently stands at 839 and the number of wounded, as reported by the Ministry of Health has reached 5,345. The number of displaced people is now triple the peak number from the 2008/9 conflict, and exceeds 150,137 in 84 schools. UNRWA has launched an emergency flash appeal for US$ 115 million to respond to the urgent and pressing humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza.


julio 24, 2014 5:12 pm Publicado por Deja tus comentarios

Actualización de 24 horas - Datos hasta las 08.00 h. de 24 de julio 2014 On 7 July UNRWA declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip in response to escalating violence between Israel and Hamas. Since then, civilian displacement and fatalities have risen sharply. The total number of Palestinian deaths reported by the Protection Cluster currently stands at 756. The number of displaced people is now nearly triple the peak number from the 2008/9 conflict, and exceeds 141,338 in 83 schools. UNRWA has launched an emergency flash appeal for US$ 115 million to respond to the urgent and pressing humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza.


julio 23, 2014 5:12 pm Publicado por Deja tus comentarios

Actualización de 24 horas - Datos hasta las 08.00 h. de 23 de julio 2014 Ayer hizo dos semanas que UNRWA declaró el estado de emergencia en las cinco zonas de la franja de Gaza en respuesta a la escalada de violencia entre Israel y Hamas. Desde entonces, el desplazamiento de civiles y las muertes han aumentado considerablemente. El número total de palestinos muertos se sitúa actualmente en 656. El número de desplazados en las escuelas de UNRWA ahora es ya el doble del número máximo alcanzado en el conflicto de 2008/9, y ahora supera los 117.468 en 77 escuelas. UNRWA ha tenido que revisar su llamada de emergencia. Necesitamos $115 millones para responder a las crecientes y dramáticas necesidades humanitarias de la población de Gaza.

UNRWA CONDENA LA COLOCACIÓN DE COHETES, por segunda vez, en una de sus escuelas

julio 22, 2014 5:34 pm Publicado por Deja tus comentarios

LA AGENCIA EXIGE PLENO RESPETO A LA INVIOLABILIDAD DE SUS INSTALACIONES. Hoy, durante la inspección periódica de nuestras instalaciones, UNRWA descubrió cohetes escondidos en una escuela vacía en la franja de Gaza. Tan pronto como el persona de UNRWA descubrieron los cohetes, se retiraron de las instalaciones. La escuela está situada entre otras dos escuelas de UNRWA que en la actualidad acogen cada una a 1.500 desplazados internos.


julio 22, 2014 5:12 pm Publicado por Deja tus comentarios

Actualización de 24 horas - Datos hasta las 08.00 h. de 22 de julio 2014 El 7 de julio, UNRWA declaró el estado de emergencia en las cinco zonas de la franja de Gaza en respuesta a la escalada de violencia entre Israel y Hamas. Desde entonces, el desplazamiento de civiles y las muertes han aumentado considerablemente. El número total de palestinos muertos se sitúa actualmente en 582. El número de desplazados en las escuelas de UNRWA ahora es el doble del número máximo alcanzado en el conflicto de 2008/9, y ahora supera los 102.000 en 68 escuelas. UNRWA ha tenido que revisar su llamada de emergencia. Necesitamos 115 millones de $ para responder a las crecientes y dramáticas necesidades humanitarias de la población de Gaza.